A Song For Tomorrow (2012)
jeff yung, jasmine chen
(photo by Nir Bareket)
jasmine chen
(photo by Nir Bareket)
May stands with a suitcase. She looks at a photo of her husband. It’s the first time she’s going to meet him. It’s also the moment she decides to leave him forever. In his Annex home, Ping holds May’s photo in one hand, a lottery ticket in the other. He paces back and forth anxiously.
A Song For Tomorrow is an elegy to the choices and sacrifices both May and Ping make to find love and happiness, while attempting to make sense of their own lives in Canada, speaking to the innumerable factors that go into our hardest decisions. In a most personal way, this play touches on labour, immigration, displacement, loneliness, addiction, physical and mental health.
Playwright: Christina Wong
Director: Gein Wong
Set Design: Jackie Chau
Featuring: Jasmine Chen and Jeff Yung
Projection and sound design: Gein Wong
This production made possible by support from Native Earth Performing Arts, Obsidian Theatre, Ontario Trillium Foundation, Canada Council for the Arts.